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International Society of Citriculture

International Citrus Congress - Spain 1973

International Citrus Congress - Valencia, Spain, 29 April -10 May 1973
First meeting of the International Society of Citriculture



Los Suelos de las zonas naranjeras de la provencia de Sevilla
(The soils of the citrus zones in the Province of Seville (Spain))
R. Romero, M. Chaves, C. Manzuelos and M. Fernandez [Vol. 1: 3-11]

Problemas de aptitud paral los citrus de los suelos de la Vega Baja del Segura (Alicante, Espana)
(Availability problems for the citrus trees of the Vega Baja of the Seguar River soils (Alicante, Spain))
S. Canales, J.A. Sanchez and J. Abadia [Vol. 1: 13-19]

Tree spacing of Pineapple orange
R.L. Philips [Vol. 1: 21-23]


Perdidias de nitrogeno de fertilizantes en suelos calizos de la zona citricola de la region Valenciana
(Losses of nitrogen from fertilizers in calcareous soils of the Valencia citrus area)
P. Cunat, J.L. Gomez, J.M. Sala and L. Lazaro [Vol. 1: 27-32]

Influencias de las deficiencias de oligoelementos en los contenidos foliares de boro en el limonero
(Influences of several trace element deficiencies on boron leaf contents in lemon trees)
S. Llorente, A. Leon, F.J. Lopez-Andreu and F. Romojaro [Vol. 1: 33-37]

Estudio de la fijacion del fosforo de superfosfato calcico y fosfato biamonico en un suelo calizo de la region Valenciana
(Fixation of phosphorus from calcium superphosphate and diammonium phosphate in calcareous soils of the Valencia citrus area)
E. Primo, J.M. Sala and R. Sola [Vol. 1: 39-42]

The interrelationships among potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium in citrus leaves and the relation of soil potassium and magnesium to their status in the leaves
N.M. Kazak and R. Khalidy [Vol. 1: 43-47]

Leaf size and composition in mandarin trees as related to differential nitrogen and irrigation treatments
A. Milella and P. Deidda [Vol. 1: 49-52]

Effect of nitrogen and irrigation regime on macro and some micro elements in 'Eureka' lemon leaves
R. Khalidy and A.W. Nayyal [Vol. 1: 53-57]

Effect of depth of water table on micronutrients content of citrus leaves and roots
E.M. El-Azab, F.A. Minessy and M.A. Barakat [Vol. 1: 59-60]

The effect of seven combinations of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers on leaf composition of Shammouti and Valencia oranges in south and north Lebanon
N.M. Kazak and R. Khalidy [Vol. 1: 61-66]

Estado de nutricion de los naranjales en la provencia de Sevilla. Influencia en la caida prematura de frutos
(Nutritional status of orange orchards in the province of Seville (Spain). Its influence on the early fall of fruits)
M. Chaves, C. Mazuelos, C. Ortiz, M. Fernandez, R. Romero and A. Arias [Vol. 1: 67-71]

Nutrizional status and quality of citrus fruits
L. Pennisi [Vol. 1: 73-80]

Effects of nitrogen fertilization on hanging fruits of 'Sanguinello' orange
A. Scuderi, G. Raciti and G. Licciarello [Vol. 1: 81-85]

Response of 'Marsh' grapefruit to nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and manure fertilization
R.H. Hilgeman, G.C. Sharples and J.A. Dunlap [Vol. 1: 87-91]

'Valencia' orange creasing, fruit color, and other factors affecting crop value, as influence by N, K, and Mg and their interrelations
T.W. Embleton and W.W. Jones [Vol. 1: 93-101]

Factors influencing the potassium status of orange trees
D.H. Bester [Vol. 1: 103-108]

Effect of fungal infection on the nutritional status of Sour orange and Cleopatra mandarin seedlings
F.A. Minessy, E.M. El-Azab and M.A. Abdel-Rehim [Vol. 1: 109-112]

Effect of nitrogen and irrigation regime on leaf oxalic acid formation in the Eureka lemon
R. Khalidy and A.W. Nayyal [Vol. 1: 113-117]

Effects of iron treatments on lemons
R.M. Burns, S. Oliva and G. Ming [Vol. 1: 119-122]

Fracciones de hierro foliar y su relacion con la clorosis ferrica en citrus
(Fractions of leaf iron and their relationships with iron chlorosis in citrus)
S. Llorente, A. Leon, A. Torrecillas and C. Alcaraz [Vol. 1: 123-128]

Variations de la composition minerale des feuilles d'orangers au Maroc selon leur situation et leur position sur l'arbre
(Variation in the mineral composition of Moroccan citrus leaves according to their orientation and their position on the tree)
M. Nadir and J. Gagnaire [Vol. 1: 129-137]

Leaf analysis and fruit composition in orange trees: 1 - preliminary studies
M.A.C. Fragoso, L.A.B. Ferreira and M.A.F.S. Vicente [Vol. 1: 139-145]

Some nutiritional differences between old clones and new clones of two citrus varieties
F.A. Minessy and E.M. El-Azab [Vol. 1: 147-150]

The effectiveness of leaf nitrogen content as an index to nitrogen nutrition
J.L. Guardiola, S. Vivas and E. Gonzalez-Sicilia [Vol. 1: 151-157]

Nitrate estimation in citrus leaves as a means of evaluating nitrogen fertilizer requirement of citrus trees
A. Bar-Akiva [Vol. 1: 159-164]

Nitrate reductase activity as an indication of the nitrogen status of citrus trees under orchard conditions
A. Shaked, A. Bar-Akiva and K. Mendel [Vol. 1: 165-170]

Estudio de fracciones de calcio en limonero Verna
(Studies about calcium fractions in Verna lemon trees)
O. Carpena Artes, A. Leon, S. Llorente and C. De La Pena [Vol. 1: 171-176]

Evolucion del contenido en macroelementos en hojas y frutos de Washington navel y Valencia late, a lo largo del ano
(Evolution of macroelements in leaves and fruits of Washington navel and Valencia late orange trees throughout the year)
J.L. Garcia Martinez, A. Cotoli and F. Pico [Vol. 1: 177-183]

Consumo de macroelementos (nitrogeno, fosforo, azufre, calcio, magnesio y potasio) en las flores y frutos de arboles de Washington navel y Valencia late
(Consumption of macroelements (nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, magnesium and potassium) in flowers and fruits of Washington navel and Valencial late orange trees)
J.L. Garcia Martinez, A. Marti and F. Pico [Vol. 1: 185-191]

Repartition, et taux des elemens mineraux dans les differents organes et parties des Citrus in production
(Contents and apportionment of the mineral elements of the different organs and parts of a citrus tree in production)
M. Nadir [Vol. 1: 193-205]

Fertilization of citrus on the alfisols and spodosols of Florida
D.V. Calvert [Vol. 1: 207-211]

Variacion anual de N, P, K, en suelos y hojas de naranjos var. Valencia late y Sanguino, en relacion con las condiciones agrobioecologicas
(Annual variation of N, P, and K in orange trees, soils and leaves in Valencia late and Blood varieties in relation with the agrobiological conditions)
R. Gonzalez Ponce and V. Hernando Fernandez [Vol. 1: 213-219]

Efecto de la posicion e de la orientacion en el analisis foliar de tres variedades de naranjos
(Leaf position and orientation effects on foliar analysis of three varieties of orange trees)
J. Rodriguez Senas and L. Jimeno Martin [Vol. 1: 221-225]

Influence de la taille du Clementinier sur differentes caracteristiques de la production et sur les resititutions de la matiere organique au sol
(Prunning influence upon Clementine production characteristis and the organic matter restitution to the soil)
R. Devaux [Vol. 1: 227-232]

Efectos del no cltivo sobre el crecimiento y la produccion de los arboles
(The effects of soil management on tree growth and yield)
J.L. Lloret-Oltra [Vol. 1: 233-244]


Obstacles to water control in Florida citrus groves
H.W. Ford [Vol. 1: 247-251]

Tensiometer soil moisture measurement in California citrus
S.G. Pooley [Vol. 1: 253-255]

The effects of irrigation frequency and water quality on grapefruit yield, water use and soil salinity
H. Bielori, J. Levi and J. Shalhevet [Vol. 1: 257-263]

Irrigation of 'Valencia' orange trees by wetting alternate sides
R.H. Hilgeman [Vol. 1: 265-269]

Revision de los sistemas de riego empleados en las plantaciones citricas del sureste de Espana
(Review of irrigation systems used in citrus orchards of south-eastern Spain)
M. Ruiz Jimenez, A. Moreno Lopez, J. Fuentes Flores and J. Lopez-Roman [Vol. 1: 271-275]

Consumo de agua en una plantacion de naranjo amargo ( Citrus aurantium, L.) Plenamente desarrollada
(Water use in a long established orchard of bitter orange ( Citrus aurantium, L.))
J. Martin-Aranda and J.L. Muriel Fernandez [Vol. 1: 277-282]

Irrigation scheduling for drip irrigated orchards
A.W. Marsh [Vol. 1: 283-285]


Irrigation scheduling influenced by water quality
A.W. Marsh [Vol. 1: 289-292]

Irrigation-salinity effects on mature orange trees: growth and fruit production
F.T. Bingham, R.J. Mahler and L.H. Stolzy [Vol. 1: 293-298]

Method of irrigation and salt tolerance of citrus rootstocks
H.K. Wutscher, A. Peynado, W.C. Cooper and H. Hill [Vol. 1: 299-306]

Relaciones entre cloruros y sulfatos en aguas de riego y en hohas de limonero Verna
(Relationships between chlorides and sulfates in irrigation waters and lemon tree leaves)
O. Carpena Artes, M. Caro, F.G. Fernandez and A. Cerda [Vol. 1: 307-311]

Tolerancia a la salinidad de portainjertos citricos durante la germinacion
(Salt tolerance of citrus rootstocks during germination)
M. Caro, A. Cerda and F.G. Fernandez [Vol. 1: 313-316]

Effect of salt source on the nutritional status of Cleopatra mandarin and Sour orange seedlings
E.M. El-Azab, M.A. Barakat, F.A. Minessy and A. Ismail [Vol. 1: 317-320]

Effect of salinity and depth of water table on the mineral content of Washington navel orange and Balady mandarin
F.A. Minessy, E.M. El-Azab and M.A. Barakat [Vol. 1: 321-330]

Nitrogen fertilizer programs vs soil salinity and environmental relations: a progress report
T.W. Embleton, W.W. Jones, K. Opitz, K. Hench and B.W. Lee [Vol. 1: 331-333]


Perennial grass control in Florida citrus groves
D.P.H. Tucker and R.L. Phillips [Vol. 1: 337-340]

La escarda quimica en los viveros de agrios
(Weed control in citrus nurseries)
D.G. De Barreda [Vol. 1: 341-344]

Herbicidas para los huertos de citricos Espanoles
(Herbicides for citrus orchards)
D.G. De Barreda [Vol. 1: 345-351]

Selectividad de varios patrones de agrios ante la accion de los herbicidas remanentes
(Citrus rootstock selectivity to several residual herbicides)
D.G. De Barreda [Vol. 1: 353-355]

Chemical weed control in Sicilian citriculture
G. Fatta del Bosco, A. De Michele and B. Baratta [Vol. 1: 357-359]

Weed control studies on Clementine orchard in Sardinia
A. Milella and P. Deidda [Vol. 1: 361-366]

Determinacion cuantitativa de herbicidas clorotriazinicos en suelos
(Quantitative determination of chlorotriazinic herbicides in soils)
A. Ortuno, M. Parra, A. Hernansaez and J. Egea [Vol. 1: 367-370]

Persistencia de herbicidas clorotriazinicos en suelos citricolas del sureste Espanol
(Persistence of chlorotriazinic herbicides on soils devoted to citriculture in the south east of Spain)
A. Ortuno, M. Parra, A. Hernansaez and J. Egea [Vol. 1: 371-374]

Movilidad de herbicidas clorotriazinicos en suelos citricolas del sureste Espana
(Mobility of chlorotriazinic herbicides on soils devoted to citriculture in the south east of Spain)
M. A. Parra, Ortuno, A. Hernansaez and J. Egea [Vol. 1: 375-380]

Herbicidas in citrus
(Herbicides in citrus)
A. Ortuno, J. Gomez, F. Canovas and F. Del Amor [Vol. 1: 381-384]


Response of citrus trees to plastic mulching
G.S. Bredell [Vol. 1: 387-394]

Consideraciones sobre la poda del limonero
(Remarks about the pruning of the lemon tree)
J. Abadia, F. Del Amor and R. Aragon [Vol. 1: 395-400]



Aplicacion de tecnicas bioquimicas a la identificacion de patrones de citrus
(The application of biochemical techniques to the identification of citrus rootstocks)
E. Primo Millo [Vol. 2: 3-16]

Cork spots in citrus fruit peel
H. Safran [Vol. 2: 17-22]

Megasporogenesis and embryo-sac development in seedless citrus cultivars
L.K. Jackson, W.B. Sherman and A.H. Krezdorn [Vol. 2: 23-27]

Tissue culture techniques in citrus
P. Spiegel-Roy and J. Kochba [Vol. 2: 29-32]

In vitro nucellar embryogenesis in monoembryonic clementine seeds
P. Deidda [Vol. 2: 33-35]


Relacion entre numero de semillas y caracteristicas del fruto en mandarino Satusma
(Seed number in relation to fruit features in the Satsuma mandarin)
J.B. Forner, E. Gonzalez-Sicilia and J.A. Sanchez-Capuchino [Vol. 2: 39-44]

Producing tetraploid and triploid citrus fruits and their characteristics
T. Tachikawa [Vol. 2: 45-51]

Relation of unexpected polyploids to diploid megagametophytes and embryo: endosperm ploidy ratios in citrus
A. Esen and R.K. Soost [Vol. 2: 53-63]

Caracteristicas del fruto y de la planta de cinco mutaciones de Satsuma
(Fruit and tree characteristics of five new Satsuma mutations)
J.L. Guardiola, S. Zaragoza, R. Bono and F. Medina [Vol. 2: 65-75]

Variation and breeding of Shamouti orange
P. Spiegel-Roy [Vol. 2: 77-85]

Recently released cultivars and the development of new hybrids of citrus fruits in Florida
C.J. Hearn [Vol. 2: 81-85]

Etat d'avancement du programme de selection nucellaire des agrumes en Corse
(State of progress of citrus nucellar selection in Corsica)
J. Cassin [Vol. 2: 87-94]


Resistance au froid conferee aux citrus par certains porte-greffe
(Cold resistance conferred by some rootstocks)
L. Blondel [Vol. 2: 97-101]

Evapotranspiration in sweet orange trees as related to the rootstock
A. Milella and P. Deidda [Vol. 2: 103-105]

Influence des porte-greffe sur la composition foliaire du Clementinier et d'autres especes d'agrumes sous differents climats
(Influence of rootstocks on leaf composition of Clementine and other citrus species under various climates)
J. Marchal, P. Martin-Prevel, L. Blondel, J. Cassin and P. Lossois [Vol. 2: 107-117]

Preliminary research on resistance of some rootstocks to malsecco
F.G. Crescimanno, V. Somma and F. Calabrese [Vol. 2: 119-120]

Comportamientos de patrones tolerantes a Tristeza, en Espana
(Field behavior of Tristeza-tolerant rootstocks in Spain)
E. Gonzalez-Sicilia, J.A. Sanchez-Capuchino, M. Manteiga and J.L. Guardiola [Vol. 2: 121-125]

Evaluation of trifoliate orange selections as rootstocks for Washington navel and Valencia orange
W.P. Bitters, C.D. McCarty and D.A. Cole [Vol. 2: 127-131]

A preliminary report on the field performance of some nucellar seedling lines of citrus on different rootstocks in the Republic of South Africa
P.C.J. Oberholzer [Vol. 2: 133-138]

Desarrollo del arbol y calidad del fruto de la naranja Valle Washington sober 89 partones para citricos
(Tree growth and fruit quality of the Valle Washington sweet orange on 89 rootstocks)
D. Rios-Castano [Vol. 2: 139-147]

Performance of eight rootstocks with nucellar Baianinha navel orange scion in a sandy soil
A.A. Salibe and S. Moreira [Vol. 2: 149-152]

Rootstocks experiments for lemons and oranges
A. Russo [Vol. 2: 153-162]

Recherches preliminaires sur de nouvelles methodes pour obtenir des arbres d'agrumes nains
(Preliminary results of research on new ways of training dwarf citrus trees)
F.G. Crescimanno [Vol. 2: 163-165]

Contribucion al estudio del Limoncillero y el Limero como patrones en citricultura
(Contribution to the study of Limoncillero and Limero as rootstocks in citriculture)
A. Ortuno, A.G. Lidon, O. Carpena Artes and M.G. Lidon [Vol. 2: 167-174]

Comparative study of the rootstocks Cleopatra mandarin and sour orange
E. Gonzalez-Sicilia and J.L. Guardiola [Vol. 2: 175-179]

Recent advances in the search for improved citrus rootstocks in Florida
D.J. Hutchison and W.C. Cooper [Vol. 2: 181-184]

Influence des porte-greffe sur la qualite des fruits
(Influence of the rootstock on the fruit quality)
L. Blondel [Vol. 2: 185-190]

Citrus rootstocks in Australia
M.C. Stannard [Vol. 2: 191-193]

Effects of rootstocks and soil nutrient status on the yield and leaf nutrient composition of Washington navel and Valencia orange trees
P.R.Cary [Vol. 2: 195-201]


Precocious flowering of citrus seedlings
M. Iwamasa and Y. Oba [Vol. 2: 205-213]

Major factors influencing flower formation and subsequent fruit-set of sweet orange
G.I. Moss [Vol. 2: 215-222]

Induccion floral en mandarinos Clementina sin hueso y Satsuma
(Flower induction in the Clementine seedless and the Satsuma mandarins)
J.A. Sanchez-Capuchino and R. Casanova [Vol. 2: 223-225]

Leyes fisiologicas de bioelementos durante los estados evolutivos de la flor de Citrus sinensis
(Physiological laws for bioelements during the stage of evolution on Citrus sinensis flowers)
M. Parra Gilabert [Vol. 2: 227-234]

Factors related to fruiting of Kinnow mandarin
W.W. Jones, T.W. Embleton, C.W. Coggins and D.D. Halsey [Vol. 2: 235-241]

New methods of crop thinning for citrus
G.I. Moss [Vol. 2: 243-247]

Identificacion de flavonoides en el fruto de distintas variedades de naranjas
(Identification of flavonoids in fruits of different orange varieties)
E. Primo Millo [Vol. 2: 249-253]

Composicion en flavonoides de las hojas de Lima mejicana y de naranjas
(Flavonoid compostion of leaves of orange trees and of Mexican lime)
A. Casas and M. Gonzalez-Buitrago [Vol. 2: 255-260]

La degradacion alcalina como metodo de identificacion de flavonoides
(Alkaline degradation as a method of identifying flavonoids)
F. Tomas and F. Ferreres [Vol. 2: 261-267]

Flavonoides contenidos en el Citrus limonum var. Eureka
(Flavonoids in C. lemon, var. Eureka)
F. Tomas, R. Pastor and O. Carpena Artes [Vol. 2: 269-273]

Relacion entre el contenido de flavonoides en hoja y fruto del C. limonum, var. Primofiore
(Relationship between flavonoid contents in leaf and fruit of C. lemon, var. Fino)
F. Tomas, J.J. Mataix Beneyto and O. Carpena Artes [Vol. 2: 275-278]

Estudio de la dotacion flavonoidea del C. sinensis, var. Salustiana
(Study of amount of flavonoids in C. sinensis, var. Salustiana)
F. Tomas and F.A. Serrano [Vol. 2: 279-281]

Estudio de la actividad enzimatica degradante de limonina en las membranas intercarpelares de naranja Valencia late
(Degradative enzymatic activity of limonin in the carpellary membranes of Valencia late oranges)
E. Primo Millo, D. Mallent and S. Subirats [Vol. 2: 283-285]

Evolucion del acido limonoico monolactona A en naranjas Navel y Valencia late durante la maduracion
(Evolution of limonic acid-monolactone A, precursor of limonin, in Navel and Valencia late oranges during ripining)
A. Casas, D. Mallent and S. Subirats [Vol. 2: 287-292]

Measuring rag toughness of citrus fruits
L.C. Holtzhausen and A. Van Oostrum [Vol. 2: 293-297]

Aminoacidos y otras fracciones nitrogenadas en el desarrollo de la hoja de limonero Verna
(Amino acids and other nitrogenous fractions in the development of Verna lemon tree leaves)
S. Navarro, O. Carpena Artes, A.L. Garcia and F. Costa [Vol. 2: 299-304]

Organic acid synthesis in sour and sweet lemon fruits
A. Wallace, A.M. Abou-Zamzam and T. Procopiou [Vol. 2: 305-310]

Evolucion de diversos acidos organicos no volatiles, durante el desarrollo de la hoja de Citrus limonum, variedad Verna
(Evolution of several non-volatile organic acids during the development of the leaves of Citrus limon, var. Verna)
S. Navarro, J.M. Lopez and F. Costa [Vol. 2: 311-315]

Evolucion de pigmentos fotosinteticos en hojas de citrus durante el desarrollo y ciclo anual
(Evolution of photosynthetic pigments in citrus leaves during the development and yearly cycle)
S. Navarro, J. Verdu and F. Costa [Vol. 2: 317-323]

Carotenoids in citrus
I. Stewart and T.A. Wheaton [Vol. 2: 325-330]

Leyes fisiologicas de bioelementos durante el crecimiento y desarrollo foliar en Citrus sinensis
(Physiological laws of bioelements during growing and foliar development in Citrus sinensis)
A. Ortuno and M. Parra Gilabert [Vol. 2: 331-338]

Sistemas microbioquimicos que suministran fosforo asimilable en suelos calizos de zonas citricolas del sureste Espanol
(Microbiochemical systems which supply available phosphorus on calcareous soils of citrus zones in southeast Spain)
A. Ortuno, M. Parra Gilabert, A. Hernansaez and J. Noguera [Vol. 2: 339-342]

Constituyentes volatiles en hojas de citrus
(Volatile components in citrus leaf oils)
J. Laencina, J.L. Gimenez and A. Obis [Vol. 2: 343-348]

Relaciones entre las concentraciones de alguno oligoelementos, proteinas y actividad peroxidasa en fracciones subcelulares de hojas de citrus
(Relationships between concentrations of some trace elements, proteins, and peroxidase activity in subcellular fractions of citrus)
O. Carpena Artes, E. Hellin, A. Leon and C. Alcaraz [Vol. 2: 349-354]

Secondary effect of some fungicides on mineral nutrition of Femminello lemon trees
V. Lo Giudice and G. Lanza [Vol. 2: 355-357]

Le conditionnement physiologique des citrus comme moyen de lutte vis a vis des ravageurs animaux des agrumes
F. Chaboussou [Vol. 2: 359-363]


Methods for controlling biennial bearing in 'Late Valencia' sweet orange
G.I. Moss and K.B. Bevington [Vol. 2: 367-372]

Influence of Captan on fruit set of Tarocco, Moro and Sanguinello orange variettes
V. Lo Giudice [Vol. 2: 373]

Activites comparees de gibberellines et de l'incision annulaire sur la fructification du Clementinier en Corse
(Compared activities of the gibberellines and girdling on the fructification of Clementine tree in Corsica)
L. Blondel [Vol. 2: 375-382]

Influencia de diversos fitorreguladores sobre las variedades de mandarina Statsuma y Clementina
(Influence of several phytoregulators on the varieties of Satsuma and Clementine mandarins)
R. Carreres [Vol. 2: 383-391]

Growth regulators used to extend the picking season of grapefruit
S.P. Monselise [Vol. 2: 393-398]

Ethylene generation by the fruit is key to chemical control of citrus fruit abscission
W.C. Cooper and W.H. Henry [Vol. 2: 399-404]

Thinning of Ponkan (Citrus reticulata Blanco) fruit with α-naphthaleneacetic acid
J.T. Oohata and S. Iwahori [Vol. 2: 405-408]

Effect of gibberellic acid on fruit creasing, time of flower-bud differentiation, mineral content, vegetative growth and flowering in citrus
T.A. Nasr, E.M. El-Azab and A.S. El-Abd [Vol. 2: 409-413]


Ciclo evolutivo de Aleurotrizus howardii Quaint en Malaga (Espana)
(The life cycle of Aleurothrixus floccossus in Malaga, Spain)
R. Moreno Vazquez [Vol. 2: 417-425]

Citrus snow scale control in Florida
R.F. Brooks and J.D. Whitney [Vol. 2: 427-431]

Evaluation of low volume applications for control of California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Mask.)
G.E. Carman [Vol. 2: 433-440]

Accion insecticida y acaricida del metidation en agrios
(Insecticidal and acaricidal activity of methidathion on citrus insects)
A. Ortuno, F. Canovas, J. Gomez and J. Millan [Vol. 2: 441-443]

Control fitosanitario de Prays citri Mill.
(Chemical control of Prays citri Milliere)
A. Ortuno, F. Canovas, J. Gomez and P. Hernandez [Vol. 2: 445-447]

Post-harvest sterilization of Ponkan against oriental fruitfly by means of ethylene dibromide dips
H. Liu [Vol. 2: 449-453]

The citrus pest situation in Lebanon: a changing picture
A.S. Talhouk [Vol. 2: 455-463]

El control de mosca blanca ( Aleurothrixus floccosus ) en citricos con Azodrin
(The control of woolly white fly ( Aleurothrixus floccousus ) with Azodrin)
F. Vicente, C. Cia and A. Jaen [Vol. 2: 465-474]


Integrated control of mites in Israel
E. Swirski [Vol. 2: 477-480]

The role of citrus bud mite in biological and integrated control orchards in southern Africa
C.M. Searle [Vol. 2: 481-490]

Changes in Florida citrus pest populations during 16 years
W.A. Simanton [Vol. 2: 491-496]

Contribution a l'etude de la dynamique des populations V. Premieres observations sur le controle biologique d' Aleurothrixus floccosus Mask. (Homopt. Aleurodidae ) par Cales noacki How. (Hymenopt. Aphelinidae )
(Contribution to the study of the population dynamics of Citrus homoptera. V. - First observations on biological control of Aleurothrixus floccocus Mack. (Homopt. Aleurodidae ) by Cales noacki How. (Hymenopt. Aphelinidae ))
J.C. Onillon [Vol. 2: 497-502]

Citrus bud mite, Eriophyes sheldoni Ewing, a common pest of citrus
M. Sternlicht [Vol. 2: 503-511]

The sex attractants of the flower moth Prays citri and of the California red scale Aonidiella aurantii as a help in controlling these pests
M. Sternlicht [Vol. 2: 513-519]

The fungus pathogen Hirsutella thompsonii and its potential use for control of the citrus rust mite in Florida
C.W. McCoy and A.G. Selhime [Vol. 2: 521-527]


La enfermedad de la tristeza de los agrios en Espana
(The tristeza disease of citrus in Spain)
F. Marti Fabregat [Vol. 2: 531-535]

Particulas cilindricas y flexuosas en celulas del floema de limas mejicanas infectadas de 'tristeza'
(Flexous rods in phloem cells of Mexican lime plants infected with tristeza virus)
G. Forteza, J. Hernandez and E. Primo [Vol. 2: 537-542]

Virosis de los citricos. III. Tecnicas serologicas para el diagnostico de la tristeza de los citricos
(Citrus virus diseases. III. Serological techniques for the diagnosis of citrus tristeza)
P. Cunat, E. Hernandez, E. Primo and R. Vila [Vol. 2: 543-546]

Virosis de los citricos. IV. Algunas actividades enzimaticas en citricos afectados de tristeza
(Citrus virus diseases. IV. Some enzymatic activities in citrus trees affected by tristeza)
V. Conejero, R. Flores and J.A. Guerrero [Vol. 2: 547-550]

Virosis de los citricos. VI. Caracterizacion de particulas filamentosas aisladas de citricos afectados de tristeza
(Citrus virus diseases. VI. Characterization of thread-like particles isolated from citrus trees affected by tristeza)
E. Primo Millo, P. Cunat, R. Garro and E. Hernandez [Vol. 2: 551-555]

An evaluation of some new citrus rootstocks with respect to their reaction to tristeza virus
W.P. Bitters, C.D. McCarty and D.A. Cole [Vol. 2: 557-563]

Mycoplasma-like organisms found in the citrus plants affected with Likubin or leaf-mottling
S. Tanaka and Y. Doi [Vol. 2: 565-567]

Strain interference reactions among citrus viruses with reference to their use for disease control
J.M. Wallace [Vol. 2: 569-573]

Notes on exocortis in Portugal
A. De V. e Mendonca, M.I.E. Da Clara and C. De Oliveira [Vol. 2: 575-577]

Exocortis y xyloporosis en la zona naranjera de Valencia
(Exocortis and xyloporosis in the citrus area of Valencia)
S. Planes, C. Fuertes and F. Marti Fabregat [Vol. 2: 579-582]

Shell bark of lemon relatives
G. Cutuli [Vol. 2: 583-587]

Performance of nucellar 'Valencia' orange trees on 'Rough' lemon stock when inoculated with four viruses
P.F. Smith, S.M. Garnsey and T.J. Grant [Vol. 2: 589-594]

Seleccion de material exento de virus
(Selection of material free of virus)
E. Gonzales-Sicilia, R. Bono, J.L. Guardiola and J.A. Sanchez-Capuchino [Vol. 2: 595-600]


Non-virus diseases of citrus and the citrus die-back complex in India
S.P. Raychaudhuri, T.K. Nariani, V.C. Lele and G.R. Singh [Vol. 2: 603-607]

Control of pre- and post-harvest fungal diseases of citrus fruit in California
L.J. Klotz, T.A. DeWolfe and P.R. Harding [Vol. 2: 609-613]

Estudio experimental de la patogenidad del Phoma tracheiphila (P.) Kanc. et Ghic. (mal secco) en diferentes variedades de citricos
(Experimental study of the pathogenesis of Phoma tracheiphila (P.) Kanc. et Ghic. (mal secco) in different varieties of citrus)
E. Laborda and A. Sanchez [Vol. 2: 615-617]

Control del Phoma tracheiphila (P.) Kanc. et Ghic. (mal secco) en citricos con fungicidas de sintesis
(Fungicides of synthesis in the control of Phoma tracheiphila (P.) Kanc. et Ghic. (mal secco) in citrus)
E. Laborda, A. Sanchez and J.M. Fenollera [Vol. 2: 619-621]

Wood decay by Trametes hispida (Bagl.) Fr. in Lemon trees affected by Botryosphaeria gum disease and Phoma 'mal secco'
G. Cutuli and G. Lanza [Vol. 2: 623-625]

Especies del genero Phytophthora aisladas en las plantaciones de citricos del levante Espanol
(Phytophthora species isolated form citrus orchards in eastern Spain)
J. Tuset Barrachina [Vol. 2: 627-631]

El desarrollo de las especies de Phytophthora en la produccion del 'aguado' en los frutos citricos con relacion a la lluvia y a la temperatura
(The influence of rain and temperature on the incidence of citrus brown rot)
J. Tuset Barrachina [Vol. 2: 633-638]

Nutritional responses and root rot of Citrus limon and Citrus sinensis under high and low soil oxygen supplies in the presence and absence of Phytophthora ssp
L.H. Stolzy, C.K. Labanauskas, L.J. Klotz and T.A. DeWolfe [Vol. 2: 639-644]

Amino acids and nutrient concentrations in citrus seedlings (Citrus sinensis Osbeck Bessie) as affected by Phytophthora spp. root infestation
C.K. Labanauskas, L.H. Stolzy and T.A. DeWolfe [Vol. 2: 645-653]

Notas sobre Gloeosporium limetticolum CL. (Subclase Deuteromicetos, Orden Melanconiales ) afectando a organos de citrus
(Notes on Gloeosporium limetticolum CL. affecting citrus stems and leaves)
E. M-Sagasta and F. Vares [Vol. 2: 655-658]

Comparative studies on pathogenicity among causal agents of the three citrus canker
T. Namekata and E. Balmer [Vol. 2: 659-662]

Bacteriophages, Cp-1 and Cp-2 behavior to the causal agents of different types of citrus canker
T. Namekata [Vol. 2: 663-664]

Estudio de la accion fitotoxica del polysulfuro de bario en citricos
(A study of the phytotoxic action of barium polysulfide on citrus)
E. Laborda, J.M. Fenollera and A.B. Perez-Rebollo [Vol. 2: 665-667]

Morphological deformities produced at the bud union of lemon-tree trunks varied from the vertical
H. Schneider and P.J. Sasaki [Vol. 2: 669-672]


Additional investigations on the modification of growth substances in Radopholus similis -infected citrus trees
A.W. Feldman and R.W. Hanks [Vol. 2: 675-680]

Biotypes of the citrus nematode (Tylenchulus semipenetrans) and their importance in the development of resistant rootstocks
R.C. Baines, J.W. Cameron and R.K. Soost [Vol. 2: 681-682]

The value of resistant citrus rootstocks in controlling Radopholus similis
H.W. Ford [Vol. 2: 683-685]

Results of glass-house experiments with new nematicides against the citrus nematode, Tylenchulus semipenetrans Cobb
N. Vovlas, F. Lamberti and R.N. Inserra [Vol. 2: 687-691]

Influence du mode d'entretien du sol sur la nematofaune des citrus
(Effects of soil management on the presence of nematodes in citrus fruits)
C. Scotto La Massese, J. Cassin and P. Brun [Vol. 2: 693-696]

Control quimico del nematodo de los citricos ( Tylenchulus semipenetrans ) en plantas de naranjo Washington navel/Limon rugosos
(Chemical control of citrus nematode ( Tylenchulus semipenetrans ) in Washington navel/rough lemon orange trees)
J. Puiggros [Vol. 2: 697-700]

Premiers resultats de lutte contre Tylenchulus semipenetrans Cobb dans les vergers d'agrumes du Maroc
(Control of citrus root nematode Tylenchulus semipenetrans in Morocco)
A. Vilardebo and A. Sqalli [Vol. 2: 701-707]

Nematodos posibles transmisores de virus asociados a los cultivos de citricos en Espana
(Possible nematode-transmitted viruses found in Spanish citrus groves)
A. Arias and A. Bello. [Vol. 2: 709-714]

Nematodos asociados a los cultivos de citricos en la Region Mediterranea
(Nematodes associated with citrus in the Mediterranean Region)
E. Laborda and A. Bello [Vol. 2: 715-179]

Nematodos de la familia Tylenchidae Oerley, 1880 asociados a los cultivos de citricos en Espana
(Nematodes of the family Tylenchidae Oerley, 1880 associated with citrus in Spain)
A. Bello [Vol. 2: 721-723]



Dinamica de la oferta de citricos en el sureste Espanol
(Dynamics of the citrus supply in the southeast of Spain)
M. Zapata and F. Artes Calero [Vol. 3: 3-7]

Citrus industry in Italy
P. Spina [Vol. 3: 9-18]

The citrus in Sierra Leone
W. Godfrey-Sam-Aggrey and A.M.S. Jah [Vol. 3: 19-23]

El cultivo de los citricos en el Peru
(Citriculture in Peru)
J. Puiggros, R. Franciosi and C. Morin [Vol. 3: 25-32]

Citriculture in South America
C.S. Moreira [Vol. 3: 33-39]

Citrus production in South America
B.J. Grobler [Vol. 3: 41-49]


Ecological effects on peel thickness in Marsh seedless grapefruit
A. Cohen [Vol. 3: 53-62]

Effects of seasonal temperature regimes on development and maturation of citrus fruits
W. Reuther, E.M. Nauer and L. Summers [Vol. 3: 63-71]

The physiological basis for stem end elongation, thick peel and related market defects of desert citrus fruit
A.H. Finch [Vol. 3: 73-80]

The effect of wind and wind protection on rind blemish and production of 'Valencia' oranges
B. Freeman [Vol. 3: 81-93]

Etude de l'influence des brise-vents sur le rendment et la precocite du Clementinier
(Study on the influence of windscreens upon the yield and precocity of Clementine production)
R. Devaux [Vol. 3: 95-98]

Citrus culture in plastic greenhouses in Sicily
F. Calabrese and A. De Michele [Vol. 3: 99-105]

Some parameters influencing development of surface wax citrus fruits
L.G. Albrigo [Vol. 3: 107-115]

Adverse effects of wind on Valencia oranges
G.E. Goodall [Vol. 3: 117-120]

Lead accumulation in the leaves of roadside orange trees
J. Gonzales-Feliu and J.L. Guardiola [Vol. 3: 121-124]

Contamination experimentale de l'oranger par quelques radionucleides
(Experimental contamination of the orange tree by some radio nuclides)
J. Delmas, A. Grauby, L. Blondel and R. Guennelon [Vol. 3: 125-133]


The leaf freezing point method for determinng cold hardiness of citrus
W.J. Wiltbank [Vol. 3: 137-143]

Hardening and freezing conditions for screening citrus trees for cold hardiness
R. Young, G. Yelenosky and W.C. Cooper [Vol. 3: 145-150]

Helicopters for frost protection in California
M.P. Miller [Vol. 3: 151-154]

Natural and forced convection in a field experiment
F.M. Turrell [Vol. 3: 155-165]

Spraying chemicals on young citrus trees for frost protection
R.M. Burns [Vol. 3: 167-171]

Influencia de la estructura y la humedad de la superficie del suelo sobre la radacion neta en differentes suelos de la zona citricola de la region Valenciana
(The influence of the structure and humidity of soil surface on diurnal net radiation)
V. Conejero, J. Catala and J.F. Terol [Vol. 3: 173-180]

Efecto de la aplicacion de yeso y turba al la superficie delsuelos sobre su radiacion neta
(Effect of gypsum and peat mulches on net radiation of soil surface)
V. Conejero, P. Cunat and E. Primo Millo [Vol. 3: 181-200]

Relacion entre radiacion neta y color de la superficie del suelo
(Relationship between net radiation and the color of the soil surface)
V. Conejero, J. Catala and J.F. Terol [Vol. 3: 201-204]

Influencia de la radiacion neta y la difusividad termica sobre la oscilacion diaria de temperaturas en la capa superficial de diversos tipos de suelos
(Influence of net radiation and thermal diffusivity on the daily temperature fluctuations in the layer near the surface of different soils)
V. Conejero, P. Cunat and E. Primo Millo [Vol. 3: 205-210]


Influencia de diferentes patrones sobre las variedades de Satsuma y Valencia-Late en las posterior comercializacion
(Influence of different rootstocks on fruit quality of Satsumas and Valencia late oranges)
A. Albert Bernal [Vol. 3: 213-221]

Estudio comparativo del efecto fungicida del thiabendazol en solucion y en suspension, a diferentes concentraciones, con dos concentraciones en orto-fenil-fenol
(Comparative study of the fungicidal effect of thiabendazol in solution and suspension, under different concentrations, with two concentrations in orthophenilphenol)
A. Reig Feliu [Vol. 3: 223-229]

Conservacion de naranja Navelate en atmosfera controlada
(Preservation of Navelate navel oranges in a controlled atmosphere)
J. Cuquerella Cayuela [Vol. 3: 231-241]

Congelacion de las mandarinas Satsuma y Clementina
(Freezing of Satsuma and Clementine mandarins)
J.M. Martinez Javega [Vol. 3: 243-247]

El ozono y las atmosferas artificiales como coadyuvantes del frio, en la conservacion frigorifica de las principales variedades de naranja y mandarina Espanolas
(Ozone and controlled atmospheres as aids to refrigeration in cold-storage preservation of the chief Spanish varieties of oranges and mandarins)
J.C. Martin-Cordoba [Vol. 3: 249-270]

Conservacion frigorifica de mandarina de las variedades Clementina y Clemen-Nules en atmosfera normal y artificial, con empleo de diversos fungicidas
(Cold storage of Clementine and Clementino de Nules mandarins in both normal and controlled atmospheres with the aid of added fungicides)
J. Caro, J.L. De la Plaza, L. Munoz-Delgado and J.A. Munoz-Delgado [Vol. 3: 271-279]

Desverdizacion de mandarina de las variedades de Clementina y Clemen-Nules
(Degreening of Clementine and Clementino de Nules mandarins)
J. Caro, J.L. De la Plaza and L. Munoz-Delgado [Vol. 3: 281-289]

Ethylene concentrations and temperatures for degreening Florida citrus fruits
O.L. Jahn [Vol. 3: 291-295]

Effects of oxygen, carbon dioxide, ethylene and volatile compounds in the atmosphere on citrus degreening
E. Cohen [Vol. 3: 297-301]

Effects of degreening on physical characteristics and juice composition of 'Femminello' lemons
A. Zamorani, C. Russo and M. Monaco [Vol. 3: 303-307]

Free amino acids in the juice of citrus
A. Zamorani, C. Russo and C.M. Lanza [Vol. 3: 309-312]

Orange juice composition during manturation
L. Pennisi [Vol. 3: 313-321]

The quality of Moro and Tarocco oranges in different growing areas
L. Pennisi, A. Scuderi, G. Raciti and G. Licciardello [Vol. 3: 323-333]

Extension of the grapefruit harvest season with gibberellic acid
I.M. Gilfillan, W. Koekemoer and J. Stevenson [Vol. 3: 335-341]

Fumigation of produce storage rooms with Thiabendazol thermal dusting tablets for control of pathogenic fungi
M. Katchansky [Vol. 3: 343-346]

Improved storage for lemons
E.G. Hall, K.J. Scott, B.L. Wild and L.E. Rippon [Vol. 3: 347-351]

Factors affecting keeping quality of lemons in storage
M. Schiffmann-Nadel and E. Cohen [Vol. 3: 353-359]

Storage studies with 'Valencia' oranges
L.G. Albrigo and G.E. Brown [Vol. 3: 361-367]


Posibilidades para los subproductos industriales resultantes en la elaboracion de conservas de segmentos de Satsuma
(Possibilities for the industrial wastes of canned Satsuma segments)
G. Guzman, J. Laencina, J.L. Gimenez and J.C. Martinez-Zamora [Vol. 3: 371-375]

Algunas mejoras en la elaboracion de conservas de segmentos de naranja Satusma en almibar
(Some improvements in the production of canned Satsuma orange in syrup)
G. Guzman, A. Serrano and A. Hernandez [Vol. 3: 377-393]

Deteccion de adulteraciones in zumos de citricos. XVIII. Contenidos en nitrogeno total y aminoacido en suero del zumo de naranjas Espanolas
(Detection of adulteration in citrus juices. XVIII. Contents in total nirtogen and amino acid nitrogen of the serum of orange juice from Spain)
J. Royo Iranzo and C. Cervello [Vol. 3: 395-399]

Deteccion de adulteraciones en zumos de agrios. XIX. Diferencias entre la proporcion de los compuestos en el suero y la pulpa de zumos de naranjas Espanolas
(Detection of adulteration in citrus juices. XIX. Differences between the proportion of components in the serum and pulp of orange juice from Spain)
J. Royo Iranzo and J. Gimenez Garcia [Vol. 3: 401-407]

Caracteristicas y composicion quimica del zumo de la naranja amarga Espanola (Citrus aurantium, Linneo )
(Characteristics and chemical composition of the juice of Spanish bitter orange (Citrus aruantium, L.))
J. Royo Iranzo and F. Romero Guzman [Vol. 3: 409-417]

Contaminacion en estano y plomo de los zumos de naranja comerciales envasados en recipientes de hojalata
(Tin and lead contamination of commercial orange juices packed in cans)
J. Royo Iranzo and R. Grima [Vol. 3: 419-423]

La vitamina B 1 en el zumo de las naranjas dulces Biondo Comune de Calabria
(Vitamin B 1 in juice from the sweet orange Biondo Comune variety of Calabrese)
A. Di Giacomo, M. Calvarano and G. Livide [Vol. 3: 425-428]

Inorganic constituents of Italian citrus fruits
C. Galoppini, C. Russo and L. Pennisi [Vol. 3: 429-433]

Research on frozen orange juice concentrate of 'Ovale' and 'Valencia': trials on varietal suitability
L. Pennisi [Vol. 3: 435-438]

The qualities of the Ovale, Valencia Late and Belladonna orange juices produced in Sicily and Calabria
C. Russo, L. Pennisi and C. Galoppini [Vol. 3: 439-443]

"Standards" microbiologicos de calidad para el control de la procuccion de los zumos de agrios
(Microbiological standards for control of the production of citrus juices)
P.L. Magauda and F. Todaro [Vol. 3: 445-450]

Ensayos comparativos de los extractores "FMC-in-line" y de pinas giratorias. Rediimiento y calidad de los zumos de naranja Comuna
(Comparative study of in-line and rotary reaming citrus juice extractors. Yield and quality of juice from Comuna oranges)
B. Lafuente, R. Perez and J. Sanleon [Vol. 3: 451-455]

Evolucion de contenido y de las caracteristicas del aceite esencial en las naranjas 'Comuna' cultivadas en la zona de Valencia
(Seasonal changes in essential oil contents and composition of 'Comuna' oranges)
B. Lafuente, M. Jorro and I. Rams [Vol. 3: 457-461]

Estudio de las caracteristicas del aceite esencial de Limon Espanol
(Study of the characteristics of the essential oil of Spanish lemons)
A. Liberti, C. Carpena, G. Goretti and J. Laencina [Vol. 3: 463-476]

Estudio de los aceites esenciales Espanoles: Satsuma, Clementina y Mandarina
(Study of the essential oils of Spanish Satsuma, Clementina and Mandarina)
A. Soler, G. Guman, R. Melendreras and J.M. Marques [Vol. 3: 477-490]

Effets de l'attaque des acariens sue la qualite de l'huile essentielle de citron
(Effect of citrus mite damage on the quality of lemon essential oil)
R. Huet [Vol. 3: 491-493]

Italian oil of Bergamot
F. Misitano [Vol. 3: 495-501]

A comparison between the polycitrus and the traditional extractions systems, particularly the yields and quality of citrus products
I. Indelicato and S. Parisi [Vol. 3: 503-507]

Estudios sobre estados de maduracion de pomelo Marsh en el sureste Espanol
(Studies about ripening status of Marsh grapefruit in the southeast of Spain)
A. Leon, F. Romojaro, C. Alcaraz and S. Llorente [Vol. 3: 509-514]

Subproductos de citrus para la alimentacion animal
(Citrus by-products for animal nutrition)
E. Sanchez-Vizcaino, C. Hernandez, N. Smilg and R. Moreno [Vol. 3: 515-520]

Aceites esenciales de las varidades de Citrus sinensis cultivadas en el sureste Espanol
(Essential oils of Citrus sinensis varieties grown in the Spanish southeast)
A. Soler, R. Melendreras and R. Pastor [Vol. 3: 521-530]


Practicas de vivero en Espana
(Nursery practices in Spain)
D.G. De Barreda [Vol. 3: 533-537]

Modern practices of field growing citrus nursery stock in California
D.A. Newcomb and C.P. Teague [Vol. 3: 539-541]

The importance of timliness in tropical citrus nursery operations
J. Hamilton [Vol. 3: 543-545]

A program for the production of true-to-type disease-free citrus seed and budwood
C.P. Teague and D.A. Newcomb [Vol. 3: 547-548]

Importance of avoiding undesirable offtypes and mutants in citrus propagation
R.G. Platt [Vol. 3: 549-555]


Residues of benzimidazole fungicides on citrus fruits in relation to postharvest decay control
J.W. Eckert and M.J. Kolbezen [Vol. 3: 559-567]

Residues of thiabendazole in citrus fruit
R.H. De Vos [Vol. 3: 569-573]

Thiabendazole residues in citrus fruits
R. Mestres, J. Tourte and M. Campo [Vol. 3: 575-581]

Terminal residues of Benlate® Benomyl Fungicide
W.K. Lowen [Vol. 3: 583-593]

Programa internacional para el desarrollo de metodos normalizados de analisis de residuos de plaguicidas en frutos citricos
(International program to develop standard methods for pesticide residue analysis in citrus fruits)
J.M. Carrasco [Vol. 3: 595-596]

Dislodgability and degradation of pesticide residues in relation to the worker re-entry problem
G.E. Carman [Vol. 3: 597-601]

Analisis de residuos de aldicarb en pomelos por C.G. con detector fotometrico de llama
(Residue analysis of aldicarb on grapefruit by gas chromatography with the flame photometric detector)
E. Celma, J.R. Garcia Hierro and I. Hernandez [Vol. 3: 603-606]

Coordination between university and industry in obtaining necessary residue information for pesticide clearances on Florida citrus
C.H. Van Middelem, J.J. Ford and J.W. Kesterson [Vol. 3: 607-612]

Pesticide usage in the United States
K.C. Walker [Vol. 3: 613-616]


Control of tree size and shape in a long-term citrus experiment
P.R. Cary and A. Grassia [Vol. 3: 619-626]

Maquina podadora para citricos
(Mechanical pruner for citrus trees)
J. Oritz-Canavate and F. Pujol [Vol. 3: 627-632]

Development of mechanization programs for harvesting and packing citrus for the fresh fruit market
W. Grierson and W.F. Wardowski [Vol. 3: 633-639]

Polyethylene as an aid to the abscission of Valencia oranges
B. Freeman [Vol. 3: 641-646]

Physiological treatments to aid mechanical harvest of citrus fruit
S. Ben Yehoshua, Y. Sarig and A. Golomb [Vol. 3: 647-654]

Una nueva linea de pelado quimico de segmentos de frutos citricos
(A new chemical citric segment peeling line)
P. Fito Maupoey, G. Amutio Polo, A. Flors Bonet and J. Flores Duran [Vol. 3: 655-660]


Italian citrus marketing: the present situation and previsions on its development
C. Cafaro [Vol. 3: 663-667]

The citrus market as viewed by a Western European
F. Brann [Vol. 3: 669-670]

Florida: its role in the world citrus market
J.T. Griffiths and H.F. Steele [Vol. 3: 671-691]

Demanda de naranja y mandarina transformada en Europa Occidental
(Demand for processed citrus in Western Europe)
E. Egea and J. Egea [Vol. 3: 693-703]

The supply and demand outlook for citrus fruit to 1980
J. Wolf [Vol. 3: 705-714]

Concept of citrus marketing
P. Ginsburg [Vol. 3: 715-718]

Citrus marketing and distribution in Japan: present situation and prospect
T. Kato [Vol. 3: 719-722]